JaJaNeeNee Reviews is run by me (Yahya) which is a site to publish random reviews of things I do and interact with from restaurants I try to places I go to and so forth. All in my own words and no AI or mumbo jumbo. If you fancy a gimmick way of reading about a place, search the name maybe I visited it. At the moment the locations are limited to actual places I visited recently (within Europe).
Review System
Within this site instead of using a normal star review system for each place, I will be using a simple JA JA or JA NEE or NEE NEE system.
Would definitely go back again
Somwhat middle ground, might go back
Would not go back again
What is JaJaNeeNee?
JaJaNeeNee translates to Yes(Ja) Yes No(Nee) No in Dutch.
Why did you choose JaJaNeeNee?
My name is Yahya, and ever since I came to the Netherlands Dutch people had difficulty pronouncing the "H" in my name so they always called me "Ja Ja" so I just went with it and added NeeNee to end of it because it sounded fun.
Who is Yahya?
Yahya is ME! You can find more about it over at https://yahya.dev/